Is it right to leave my relationship?

My mother told me something that always stuck with me. She said… “You don’t have to wait until it gets bad to break up. If you are unhappy, you should be the first to make the decision to call things off.” From this very moment I understood that she was saying all that mattered wasContinueContinue reading “Is it right to leave my relationship?”

Wanting a Relationship To Fix Your Life

When approaching this issue with my clients, I always asked them “if you meet the person of your dreams, would you feel confident enough to walk up to them and speak with them”? And they all say “NO”. Why? Because even though they want to be in a relationship, they don’t even feel like theyContinueContinue reading “Wanting a Relationship To Fix Your Life”

Should you date someone with depression?

If anyone is asking themselves this question, I can understand your concerns about being with someone who suffers from depression. It can be challenging being with someone who suffers from depression. You have to witness someone you care about struggle and there may not be much you can do to change it. This brings aboutContinueContinue reading “Should you date someone with depression?”